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Cholestasis of Pregnancy, Teen

Educational script for teen patients with cholestasis of pregnancy.

Cholestasis of Pregnancy, Teen

Estimated Time

5 minutes


Segment: 1


Being pregnant can be scary. There is a lot to think about. You want to be sure that you are healthy. You want to make sure nothing goes wrong. There are conditions that can affect you when you are pregnant. One of these is cholestasis (ko-luh-stay-sus). This video will go over what this is. It will tell you how it affects your body. It will tell you the signs to look out for. It will also go over what you can do if it happens to you.

On-screen description

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Cholestasis of Pregnancy, Teen

Graphic build

Title card, full page text graphic with stock photo in background (general teen pregnancy or teen pregnancy doctor visit)


Segment: 2


Cholestasis affects your liver. Your liver makes a digestive fluid. The name for this fluid is bile. When you have cholestasis, the bile slows or stops flowing. This means it stays in your liver. This can cause problems with how your liver works. It can happen any time while you are pregnant but is most likely to happen near the end. It will often go away after you give birth.

Cholestasis can cause you to have health issues. You may have liver problems later in life. It can also cause issues that require you to stay in the hospital during your pregnancy. It can be life threatening. It can also affect your baby. It can cause your baby to be born too early. It can also cause your baby to die before it is born.

On-screen description

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Issues that can happen

  • Liver problems later in life
  • Hospitalization during pregnancy
  • Can be life threatening
  • Early birth
  • Loss of baby before birth


Animation of liver, showing bile. Show how the bile can build up.

Causes and risk factors

Segment: 3


Why does this happen? The answer is not known exactly. But there are things that may cause it. It may be related to your hormones. The hormones you produce while you are pregnant may slow down the flow of bile, causing cholestasis. It may also have to do with your genes and how they change while you are pregnant.

There are things that make this more likely to happen to you. If you or someone in your family has had this in the past, your risk is higher. If you have issues with your liver, your risk is higher. Also, if you are having multiples, like twins or triplets, your risk will be higher.

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Things that create higher risk

  • If you have had it before
  • Family history
  • Liver issues
  • Pregnant with multiples (twins, triplets, etc.)


Segment: 4


What are the signs that this may be happening to you? The thing you are most likely to feel is itching. This itching will be intense. It happens most on the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet. It can spread to other parts of your body. Often, you will feel it worse at night.

There are other signs to watch for. You may feel tired. You may have pain in the upper right part of your abdomen. Your urine may turn dark. Your stools may turn light. You may lose your appetite. You may also notice a yellow color on your skin or the whites of your eyes.

On-screen description


Pregnant teen in bed. They are itching the palms of their hands.

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Actual text


  • Intense itchiness
    • Most often on palms of hands or soles of feet
    • Worse at night
  • Feeling tired
  • Pain in upper right part of abdomen
  • Dark urine
  • Light stool
  • Loss of appetite
  • Yellowing of skin or eyes


Segment: 5


Your doctor will be able to tell if you have cholestasis. They will take your medical history. They will give you a physical exam. They will go over your symptoms. They may also need to perform tests. They may take a blood test. They may also use a genetic test.

On-screen description


Pregnant teen in doctor's office.

Treatment options

Segment: 6


You and your doctor will decide what is best to treat your case. There are a few options. Your doctor may give you medicine. This can include medicine to reduce bile. It could be medicine to help your symptoms. There is also medicine that can help keep your baby safe. They may also give you vitamin K before your delivery. This can help prevent bleeding. In addition to medicine, you will want to get frequent checkups to see how you and your baby are doing. You may need to take regular blood tests. This will show how much bile you have and how your liver is working. In some cases, you and your doctor may decide to deliver your baby early.

On-screen description


Doctor writing a prescription for teen

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Actual text


  • Medicine
    • To reduce bile
    • To relieve symptoms
    • To keep baby safe
  • Vitamin K before delivery
  • Regular checkups
  • Regular blood tests
  • Induce early birth

When to seek medical care

Segment: 7


Keep checking yourself. If you see or feel anything strange, see your doctor. There are some things to especially look out for: if you have a fever, if you have a bad headache that does not go away or changes your vision, if you have very bad stomach pain, if you are short of breath, if your skin or eyes become yellow, or if you go into labor early. If you notice any of these, see your doctor at once.

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See your doctor at once

  • Fever
  • Headache that does not go away or that changes vision
  • Stomach pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Eyes or skin become yellow
  • Early labor

Stock photo or video montage

Teen showing yellowing of skin and eyes


Segment: 8


Cholestasis is rare, but it can be serious. If you think it may be affecting you, see your doctor. They can tell you for sure. Then, you and your doctor can work on a plan. This is the best way to make sure you and your baby stay safe.

On-screen description


Pregnant teen talking to doctor, making a plan.

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